The Cross is My Statue of Liberty

Hello…is this thing on?! I didn’t notice much traffic on the site yesterday, so I’m assuming either the post put you all to sleep or you guys were out fighting the crowds at Wal-Mart / soaking up the sun on the lake / resting up before all the fireworks and festivities. I like the latter better, so let’s go with that. 🙂 I feel your pain, because after this post I have to start the obligatory house-cleaning / decorating / food prep that comes with hosting a party…so let’s get to it!

At church today I heard this song for the first time, and I love the story it tells. After you read through the lyrics I included a link that you can click on if you’d like to listen to the words & melody.

Statue of Liberty

In New York Harbor stands a lady,
With a torch raised to the sky;
And all who see her know she stands for
Liberty for you and me.

I’m so proud to be called an American,
To be named with the brave and the free;
I will honor our flag and our trust in God,
And the Statue of Liberty.

On lonely Golgotha stood a cross,
With my Lord raised to the sky;
And all who kneel there live forever
As all the saved can testify.

I’m so glad to be called a Christian,
To be named with the ransomed and whole;
As the statue liberates the citizen,
So the cross liberates the soul.

Oh the cross is my Statue of Liberty,
It was there that my soul was set free;
Unashamed I’ll proclaim that a rugged cross
Is my Statue of Liberty!

© Words & Music by Neil Enloe

Isn’t that a beautiful representation of what the cross stands for to Christians?! I just love it!

Both the Statue of Liberty and the Cross remind me of another very important truth…that FREEDOM ISN’T FREE.

Each day the men and women who serve in the United States Military sacrifice of themselves to pay the price for our freedom. Their families pay the price as well, keeping life moving forward at home while their loved one serves our country. Although there is certainly more I can do to show my appreciation for their service and sacrifice, I’ve been taught that the least I can do is give them a smile, handshake, and sincere thank you whenever I cross their path. So, if you have either served or had a loved one to do so, then THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. You guys and generations of people like you are what gives us cause to celebrate this 4th of July. I’d especially like to recognize my brother-in-law, who we are all more than happy to have home after his tour of duty…THANK YOU KRIS!

There is another to whom I owe my thanks, my adoration, my very life…both in this world and in the next. Jesus Christ, the son of God, came to earth in order to pay a debt that would have otherwise gone unpaid. He sacrificed his life on the cross so that he might take on the sins of the world, MY sins…your sins. His blood paid the price, and when he defeated death and rose again to take His place at the right hand of God He provided THE way for each of us to find eternal life. Because of His act of sacrifice, and the Father’s love for us, each person is offered the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. By realizing that God loves you, admitting you are a sinner who is by nature separated from God, proclaiming that Jesus  died to pay the price for ALL of your sins (past and present…Hallelujah!), and asking Jesus to be your Savior, you can experience the true freedom that comes through His salvation.

Even though He died for ALL of us, He will not force His gift of freedom on anyone. As a gift, it is something you must accept. I pray that if there is anyone reading these words who has not experienced the freedom Christ has to offer that you would do so today. Imagine what a new meaning the 4th of July would take on for you, as you would be free in both the physical and eternal senses! All those fireworks would be symbolic of the celebration they have in Heaven each time even ONE person gives their life over to Jesus!   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That should get you excited people! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you feel that tug on your heart to make a decision for Christ, please talk to someone about it! I would love to chat with you, or I hope you have Christian friends who you could call or text right now. If you’d rather talk to a “professional,” then go beat down the door of a church & tell them you want to claim eternal freedom! 😀 Or, if you still want to think a little on your own, then find a Bible (even Dollar Tree sells them!) and look up the following verses…God’s words will walk you through it!

Realize God loves you….John 3:16

Realize everyone is a sinner….Romans 3:23

Realize sin has a price that muts be paid…Romans 6:23

Realize Jesus paid the price for your sin…Romans 5:8

Pray and ask Jesus to be your Savior!…Romans 10:13


As a final thought, I pray that the Lord would use all of the words I’ve written today to bless you and speak to your heart. I truly feel that they are His words and not my own, as I did not sit down to blog today with the intention of preaching at ya. I’ve just been overwhelmed by the realization today that what Jesus did on the cross truly did liberate my soul, and I am so humbled by that.


Categories: Lovin' the Lord | Tags: , | 5 Comments

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5 thoughts on “The Cross is My Statue of Liberty

  1. Preach on Sista! Dan, Biz, Raul, and I have the most amazing worship service today at the “new” church we’ve been too (and have joined, I might add!). There must be somethings about today in particular that has hit all of us as Christians. Whatever it is, I’m so glad for it! Thanks for your love of our Father! Thanks for being you! We love you girlie, and can’t wait to see you guys again! (((HUGS))))

  2. Mom

    What a wonderful song, and sentiment. In addition to thanking Kris, I’d like to add my thanks to my cousin, Eric, who is serving his third tour of duty. This fourth has really been put into perspective for me as I’ve gotten to attend fellowships with friends the last couple of evenings. How blessed are we, to have the freedom to worship our precious heavenly father openly, among others who have also experience this blessing. Great entry Heather, thank you.

  3. terri

    I heard this song at church yesterday too and it made me cry the lady who sang it had a beautiful voice!

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