Posts Tagged With: mustache

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Top o’ the…eh…afternoon to ya! Hehe…

Yes, I do still exist. I’ve been a little elusive lately…like the leprechauns. 😉

Thought I’d pop in today and wish you guys a happy St. Patrick’s day…hope you find a pot of gold today!

No gold for me yet, but no pinches either…so I’m feeling pretty good about the day. Check out the card my in-laws sent me…do they know me or what?!

Hey, it’s not easy to get a dog to pose with a mustache for pictures. *wink*


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Surprise ‘Stache Bash!

I said I was going to do it.


Oh sure you do. Who could forget the awesomeness that was my mustache post?

Surely not you.

Well anyway, that’s neither here nor there.

The point of this post is that I did it.

I threw a mustache bash!

December was a big month for Chris between his birthday and graduation, and he has been *hinting* practically ever since I met him about how he hasn’t had a surprise party in his honor since he was a kid. I knew it was the perfect opportunity to create a fun surprise for him, and why not add a creative element with the ‘staches?!

I set the date of his party for the night of his graduation. That meant his birthday was pretty low key…he said he was okay with it, but I think he was kind of bummed. <Is it wrong that I was laughing on the inside?!>

I made arrangements to have the party at this adorable old-fashioned ice cream shoppe here in MW, sent out sweet ‘stache bash invites, and ordered an over-abundance of fake mustaches. <Not sure what I was thinking when I placed that order…I got 2 times more than I needed!> I even blogged about the party, which everyone liked to rub in once the party was in swing and Chris realized that all the clues had been right in front of him!

A few days before the party I cast out the bait…since my parents & his mom were going to be in town for graduation, why not take them to Hayes Station for an ice cream that night? He bought it hook, line, and sinker! Once party day/time rolled around, we sent our family on without us because I had a sudden case of the stomach cramps. <Slightly a fib, slightly true…I was nervous about pulling this surprise off!>

Luckily for me the surprise went off without a hitch, as did the party. We had a great time eating ice cream, wearing mustaches, and laughing with friends. Chris was completely surprised and very honored…he truly had a great time. I’m so glad his Mom was able to be there for the party, and I appreciate all the family & friends who came out to celebrate my husband!

I actually worked on these props in front of him on and off all week. He never once questioned what I was doing. This just goes to show how random things can get at my house! 😉 It wasn’t quite what I had planned in mind of fun pictures, but it had to do.

There’s one of my banners hanging on the ice cream sundae bar!


He was so surprised!

 Every ‘stache party needs a picture creeper… 😉

Everyone was in on the fun…we got a lot of fun pics of everyone! <Someone remind me start getting people’s permission to put their pic in the blog…I had to leave out some really cute ones because I forgot to get it!>


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