Posts Tagged With: banner

A little of this, a little of that

My head is spinnnnnnning. It’s been quite a day, to say the least. I’m still catching up from my 3 month blogging hiatus, so here’s a little of this and a little of that…in no particular order. 🙂


A) I got a tattoo. Well, a henna tattoo. Probably good that I did a test run first because I learned that the wrist is a very distracting place for a tattoo. But I did love the anchor!


B) Spring was lovely at the Thompson house! The roses bloomed beautifully, and a momma bird built her nest in one of the bushes. It was fun to spy on the eggs and little chicks, but it wasn’t long before they all flew away! 🙂


C) Rangers game with our fam! It was a great way to celebrate the end of school. Father’s day, and both of our moms birthdays!


D) Backyard picnic with our niece and nephew…where the highlight was little man sticking his fist in Chris’ gravy. Hehehe…

huxley picnic

E) Around the time Oklahoma was getting hit with horrific tornadoes, we were experiencing some crazy spring weather as well. The worst of it (thankfully!) was a bad hailstorm. We were blessed to have been protected during the storm, and although we had a tornado scare (which caused me to spend some time in the bathtub with the dog and Chris’ guns…go figure!) our area was not affected.


F) My mom was hostess for a wedding shower earlier this spring…a pinterest-y, burlap-y, mason jar-y shower. Love it. She enlisted my help to make a couple of banners and cupcake toppers. I thought the end result was beautiful!

brooke2 brooke1

So that’s that. 🙂 Can you tell that I’ve discovered the collage maker app? Ha!


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Pretty as can be…

Hello again! I would normally say “TGIF”…but in this case, I’ve had almost 2 weeks off and find myself having to go back to work. On a Friday. It really isn’t so bad…I have the day to work in my room and prepare for all the kinder-babies return on Monday. Christmas vacation can’t last forever after all. So while I’m toiling away, I thought I’d leave you with a few more pictures of the pretties I added to our home over the last few weeks. I’d like to imagine that as you read this you are snuggled up on your couch with a big cup of coffee…that’s certainly where I wish I was!

Huxley looking quite regal at my desk…hehe…he hates having his picture taken!


This plate was another gift from Mom…it’s so much fun! You can change the ribbon, use it as a platter or as decor, and you can even write on it as a kitchen notepad of sorts!


Our “winterized” living room. I found new chalkboard printables on Pinterest for the buffet, added pinecones here and there, and put up my winter banners. On the coffee table is the book I made of the Christmas cards we received this year…it’s simple and provides an easy way to go back year after year and remember friends!


This was my big gift from my Secret Santa at school…everyone who sees it agrees that I had a good one!


And here it is! The banner from our family pictures repurposed & added to an old window that I found at a new antique shop downtown! It’s called “Merrimac & North”…and if you ever find yourself in MW you need to check it out for sure!


One of Huxley’s Christmas presents…new water & food bowls! I used a gold sharpie to add the detail…


The other new addition to our home is the treadmill in the dining room…which makes me happy, considering how cold it’s been outside! I’m such a baby when it comes to the cold!



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