30 before 30

So, here’s the thing.

It’s kind of funny really.

I’ve been surfing the blogs a lot lately, and seen a lot of “30 before 30” lists.

(The concept is pretty simple…make a list of 30 things you want to do before 30.)

I’m not panicking about 30 or anything, but I definitely thought it looked fun and like a way to motivate myself to get out there and do some of the things I’ve talked / thought about doing for a while now.

And I realized that with the 24th of June rolling around, I had exactly a year and half left before turning 30.

Sounded like no better time than now to get crackin’ on my 30 x 30 list, so I started typing away.

And then…are you ready for it?…I realized that I’m only 27. And a half.

So that gives me two and a half years before turning thirty.

All the better to add a few more lofty goals to my list! 😉


So here’s the plan. I’m mapping out my list here, on it’s own little page. As I accomplish each item on the list, it will get it’s own post…and we’ll celebrate as I mark it off. Pretty simple.

Most of my “goals” are just for fun, some take a more serious note…but for the most part I left professional / super important personal decisions off of the list. Don’t need any added pressure to any super important areas.

You should know, I tried to stay realistic while setting these goals. As much as I would love to travel to Hawaii or Disney World, the odds of it happening are just so very low. Lord willing, I’ve got a lifetime ahead of me…so I’ve gotta leave a few dreams for the future. 😉

Oh yes, and by the way, these are in no particular order. So here we go!


*image from The Sweetest Digs…thanks!

1. Run a 5K

I’ve walked in one…it’ll probably take a few walk/jog tries…and potentially a little training  on my part. But I want to run one.

Completed: October 6, 2012…You can read about it here and here. 🙂

2. Ride in a hot air balloon

Got this one planned for August of ’12, weather pending. 🙂

3. Read through the entire Bible

Made this goal when I turned 27, working my way towards it everyday.

Completed: January 24, 2013…What a blessing! Read my belated post about it here.

4. Attend a High Tea

I’ve got a collection of *fabulous* hats that would be perfect for a tea party…anyone interested in going with me?

Completed: August 2012…It was absolutely *lovely* dahling…

5. Do 30 random acts of kindness

I’m looking forward to this one…Chris and I have had a lot of fun together when we’ve suprised friends / strangers in the past.

6. Pray for the entire world

This is one of the challenges extended by D. Platt in his book “Radical.” There’s another book that is supposed to help with this, so that’s going to be on my Amazon wishlist.

7.  Learn how to decorate cakes

My mom has a knack for this, and I think it looks like a helpful hobby to have. Plus a yummy one. 😉

8.  Publish a piece of my writing

I’ve got one particular piece in mind, and I’ve talked with several people lately who have given me a few publishing tips. We’ll see, we’ll see!

9. Go to a drive in movie & make out with my husby

There’s a drive-in movie theater in a town near ours…I’m thinking of loading up the truck with blankets and pillows and acting like teenagers again. Is that too much information? *wink*

10. Help support a missionary

A family from our church is raising funds to become MAF pilot missionaries in Africa. We’ve started supporting them through prayer and a small monthly financial contribution, so this goal is more about continuing our relationship.

11. Take a cooking class at Central Market

Always wanted to do it, never quite made it happen. Not sure if it will end up being a girls night or a date night. Maybe both!

12. Learn how to coupon / price match

Planning on starting this one in July of ’12…looking forward to a little help from a local lady who has got it down to an art.

Completed: Fall of 2012…I’m no expert, but if you wanna read the secrets I’ve learned, then click here. 🙂

13. Travel east of Texas

I’ve traveled west…northwest…and south. But never east. There are too many beautiful places and things to see on the East coast not to go, plus Chris has family there. Definitely looking forward to checking this one off the list!

14. Go camping

How have I never been camping? My bff and I tried to camp in her backyard once as junior high girls…but ended up going inside for the comforts of air conditioning and a bed! Not sure if it’ll be my thing or not, but I won’t know until I try!

15. Host a movie-night in our backyard w/ a projector

We’ve got a great backyard for this, now if we can just track down the projector and a nice fall evening we’ll be good to go.

16. Have a caricature done of Chris & I

I’ve had a caricature or two done of me before (always a focus on my big forehead and big front teeth), but I don’t think Chris has. It would make a great piece of wall art for his office.

17. Cook something edible in the crock pot

To give myself credit, I can make queso and a pretty tasty taco soup in the crock pot. Let’s just say I’m looking to expand my repertoire.

18.  Completely unplug for a week…and try to convince Chris to do it with me!

No tv…no computers…minimal phone usage. I’m sure it will be scarier for him than it will be for me. I may need some divine intervention to make this one happen!

19. Teach Huxley agility training

I think he would be so good at this, and I know he would love it. I wish I lived in a place that would make this one easier to accomplish!

20. Get back to my wedding weight

Eh. Sadly I think I’ve gained somewhere between 15 and 20 pounds. It. Must. Stop. Granted, I was down a little from my normal weight on my wedding day, but it’s a healthier place for me to be.

21. Be significantly along our way to paying off our student loan debts.

Doing what we can do, looking forward to paying off the first of several in Sept of ’12. We’ve got a plan and we know the Lord is on our side, so we’re just doing what we can do and trusting Him to care for us!

22. Ride on a train

Mom and I have discussed doing this on one of our mother/daughter trips. Luckily for me there are some local options…this one should be fun!

23. Learn to play the piano

Alright, so I’m not looking to become a professional or anything, but I’ve always wished I had learned how to do this. Especially since Nicole Nordeman is my singing idol. Maybe I’ll start on the keyboard or something.

24. Memorize scripture

Not going to go through excuses as to why I don’t have many verses memorized, but coming to realize how important it really is.

25. Learn how to make home-made cleaning solutions

I’ve seen a lot of this on pinterest, and it looks like a cheaper / safer way to clean up around here. Why not give it a try?!

26. Make a rainbow cake

This sounds like an easy one, but with me…you never know. Have you seen these on Pinterest by the way? So cool!

Completed: January 2013…I bumped up the challenge level a bit and make it a rainbow SPRINKLE cake. Boo ya. To be as cool as me, click here.

27. Go on a mission trip

Letting the Lord lead on this one…

28. Make a wreath for every season

I’ve almost got a banner for every season, wreaths are next. Got a lot of great ideas in mind!

29. Learn how to shoot a gun safely and confidently

Chris is really into guns, so it wouldn’t hurt me to show some interest. Also, I just watched a freaky episode of Army Wives, and training in how to shoot a gun saved their lives. Probably not the most rational reason to learn, but nonetheless.

30. Get laser hair removal for my mustache

Does it bother you that I reference my mustache on a fairly regular basis? It drives me crazy, no doubt, but I guess I just figure that it’s better to laugh about it than cry about it. I get quite a few “Living Social” / “Groupon” deals regarding this, so one day I’m going to jump on one!


The mustache generally seems like a good place to leave it. <Although you may be thinking it’s more like an awkward place.>

Life is waiting people…why are you still sitting here reading this little ol’ blog for? 😉



2 thoughts on “30 before 30

  1. Liz O'Quin

    I can teach you to shoot my gun – it only holds one bullet at a time and you have to go through 3 safety precautions before the trigger will fire. Let me know!