Krazy for Kinder

Published Authors

Yesterday was…not my best. A series of unfortunate events, we’ll call it. We could also call it a terrible horrible, no-good, very bad day. 😦

BUT. In the grand scheme of things, nothing that was going wrong is actually that bad. So I’ll get over it.

Today should be…much better. It’s our last day of school before Spring Break, there is going to be lots of silly leprechaun fun, and we’re having a grand book signing for our kinders.

Oh, yes, I’m sorry. You didn’t hear?

My 5 & 6 year olds published a book. Which pretty much makes them the most awesome kindergarteners ever.

Truth be told, they are probably my first and LAST set of kinders to publish a book. It was kind of a big ordeal. Lots of pre-writing, careful organizing, illustrating with markers on smeary paper and *gasp* writing the final drafts with black PENS. Then there was all the money collection, purchase orders, and worrying over what the final product would look like.


All silliness aside, I couldn’t be happier with or more proud of their end result. It is incredible. Their writing is awesome.

And they are going to loooooove it.

So today we celebrate them & their book with a book signing. There will be a movie reading of the story, special presentations to our honored guests, signing one another’s books, pictures…and cookies. Always cookies.

You go little Kinderbabies. You go.

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Categories: Krazy for Kinder | Tags: , | 2 Comments

Can you smell the love…er…chocolate?

I spent my evening yesterday battling the crowds at Wal-Mart (talk about wanting to go home and eat every bag of chocolate I just fought tooth and nail for) and prepping for our class Valentine party. It’s going to be a *sweet* one, and my awesome parents chipped in the moolah so I could coordinate everything.

Now that’s what I’m talking about! 😉

In case you are still wondering what you might do for the special kiddos in your life, I thought I’d pass along a few of the tricks I’ve got up my sleeve this year…so fun!

Love Potion

Water Bottle, Swirly Straw, Red Powdered Drink Mix (That label says “Love Potion”…in case you were wondering!)


Chocolate Play-doh

It’s *amazing*! I could never give as thorough of a tutorial as this smart lady, so check out her blog and recipe for this fun treat!


I tried to fashion the big ol’ lump of it into a Hershey’s kiss…but all Chris could do was laugh and say it looked like a pile of poop. I can’t say I totally disagree, but if I know kids, then I know this. 1) They love play-doh. 2) They love chocolate. 3) They love to laugh about poop.

What more could you need? 😉

chocolate2 So yep, I think I’ve got everything just about ready! Got a post coming up tomorrow on what I’m giving my love this year…have you done your shopping yet? 😉


P.S. – I think this is a pretty cute Valentine idea too…a whoopie cushion Valentine! 🙂 Check out the link for a free printable!

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