Daily Archives: April 12, 2012

Chasing my tail.

Am I coming? Am I going?

Who even knows anymore. 😛

This week has been busy, and the weekend is showing signs of being even busier. On the list of priorities, blogging has been…well…who am I kidding?! It hasn’t even been on the list.

I’ve had some great things going on…

*Working out…thanks to some random encouragement from friends, I’m feeling like maybe I am making some progress after all. (Despite what the scale says!) It’s re-energized me towards going to aerobics twice a week, running at home at least once a week, and continuing my twice-daily walks with Huxley. If I can ever remember to inflate the darn thing I might even throw the “Bender Ball” I bought 4 years ago (and never used!) into the mix. 😉

*Studying God’s Word…I’m waist-deep in several new studies (John 3:16, Love & Respect, Radical, Bible in a Year, and our Sunday School curriculum). It’s awesome to see how God just connects everything, and I’m really being challenged in ways I never have been before. I’ve got several more I’m planning on reading through…but they’ve got to be on the back burner for now!

*Ready-ing my home…is “ready-ing” even a real word? And if it is, how do you spell it? Hum… Anyway, this has been a busy week of prepping for a payday (I like to get my bills ready in advance), for a big grocery trip (gotta make that list and check it twice!), and for a garage sale with friends this weekend. Luckily I’ve already gathered my junk treasures for the sale, but pricing? That’s a different story…

*Crafting for my nephew…Wow, that feels weird to say! Baby Nolan will be here  towards the end of May, and I’m excited to help decorate his room by making a few wall hangings and a banner. Pictures to come soon…gotta let his mom in on the goodies first!

Squeeze in the humdrum of working all day, cooking/cleaning (thank you sweet husband for helping me with this every day!), taking care of a pup (whose birthday is coming up btw), and trying to get to bed by a decent hour because I’m exhausted…and you have my week. I’m actually taking a half-day off of work tomorrow just so that I can get a few more things accomplished. (And I feel guilty about it. Ugh…what’s up with that?!)

So that’s been my week so far…how ’bout yours?


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