It’s the simple things in life…

Hello blog-land…

In case you hadn’t caught on, I’m basically using this blog as a therapy session. Sometimes life just gets too sad, or crazy, or happy or weird, and you just have to talk about it. So as you read this, just picture me laying on a couch, spilling my guts to you while you take notes. You can even make a few nods and offer up a few “And how does that make you feel?”

See, isn’t this better than paying for therapy? 🙂

Tonight at visitation Pappy’s preacher (and a good family friend) asked me to tell him what made my Pappy, and our relationship, so special. And the more I talked, the more it came down to this…Pappy loved the simple things, and when you were with her, you couldn’t help but slow down and enjoy them too.

Here are a few, but not all, of the simple things she enjoyed…

* Eating watermelon * Driving out in the country with no destination in mind * Watching caterpillars eat, then hang in their chrysallis, then hatch into butterflies * Watching for hummingbirds * Eating ice cream * Going to Sonic * Hanging a hose over a tree, then cooling down in the water * Sitting on the porch swing * Looking at flowers * Making bead bracelets * Putting together puzzles * Laying in bed talking…

That last one was my favorite to do with her. It’s probably one of my most regular memories with her as a child, because when we went to visit I’d sleep in her bed and we’d stay up talking. We even spent our last moments together laying there in her bed talking the last time I was in Bangs. (Of course part of the time we were enjoying a not-so simple thing…she was playing on my IPhone. 🙂 I had downloaded an app that was one of our favorite games from when I was younger – PickUpSticks. Isn’t it fun that we got to  play one last time together?!)

There is so much more I could say to describe her, to explain what we shared. No amount of words seem like enough to say what I feel in my heart. What I do know is that when I think of my Pappy, I will be reminded to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life. When you do that, you realize the beauty in God’s creations, what is important and what just really isn’t, and that the time you spend investing in people is what really matters.


I am so proud to say that my Pappy created a legacy of investing in family, one that she passed down to my Momma, and one that together they passed down to me.


Categories: Daily Drama | Tags: , , | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “It’s the simple things in life…

  1. Debbie Thompson

    What good memories! I hope that someday I can lay in bed and play on whatever device is around at the time with my grandchildren. Hang in there! It will hurt for just a time; you will never forget; and you will always have those precious memories to pass on to your children about their GREAT grandma! We love you, sweetie!

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